Gin & Beetroot Cured Salmon on Blini with Salmon Pearls



400gm Beetroot & Gin Salmon, see our recipe

Salmon Pearls

Dill & Watercress, to serve

Horseradish Crème Fraȋche

200ml Crème Fraȋche

2-3 tbls Horseradish

1 tbls Dill, finely chopped

Cracked Black Pepper


⅓ Cup Buckwheat Flour

¼ Cup Plain Flour

1 tsp Baking Powder

1 Egg, lightly beaten

⅔ Cup Buttermilk

30gm Butter, melted


For the blini, sift the buckwheat, plain flour and baking powder into a bowl. Gently whisk in the beaten egg and buttermilk, stir in the melted butter. Allow to rest for half an hour before cooking.

To cook the blini heat a large non stick fry pan over a medium heat. Spray with a little olive oil cooking spray, spoon a tablespoon (for each blini) of the mixture into the pan and allow to cook for a few minutes until golden brown, flip and repeat on the other side. Cook blini in batches and allow to cool on a wire cake rack.

To make the horseradish crème fraȋche, place the crème fraȋche, horseradish, chopped dill and cracked black pepper into bowl. Whisk until the mixture thickens, take care not to over whip.

Once the blini have cooled you can assemble them. Slice the beetroot & Gin cured salmon with a long sharp knife, slice thinly and on a slight angle. Place the sliced salmon in a rosette on the blini, top with some watercress leaves, a little of the horseradish crème fraȋche, garnish with some salmon pearls and a dill frond.


Beetroot Cured Salmon Salad with Orange, Radicchio & Pomegranate Jewels


Quick Pickled Cucumbers with Dill & Coriander